About Med Rx CBD

As seen on tv Kevin Harrington endorsing Med Rx CBD Products.

At MED Rx CBD, we understand all the ways pain and mental stress can negatively impact your daily life.  It is for this reason that MED Rx CBD is committed to providing you with a variety of all natural, vegan-friendly CBD products from oil drops, topical cream, to oratory capsules that will give you the pain relief and mental health stability that you deserve to be able to live your life to the fullest.  In addition to being an all natural supplement, the full line of MED Rx CBD products is made in the USA.  We guarantee that our CBD products will provide you with a more cost-effective, and naturally beneficial method of relief than many other alternative forms of medication that you can acquire.

All Natural CBD Products

MED Rx CBD was founded on the belief that CBD products should remain accessible to those who need it most and help people live a happier and healthier life. We don’t use unnecessary additives or fillers in any of our CBD inventory and are committed to bringing our customers the highest grade CBD oils, creams and capsules on the market today. We are proud to offer all natural, lab tested, organic CBD oils and extracts that can be shipped nationwide.

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CBD Products
Grown in the USA

About The Founder

The founder of Med Rx CBD, Christian F. Melian had discovered a hemp derived liquid called CBD. This intrigued him, but he was skeptical. Although hesitant at first, he later gave CBD a try. When he discovered CBD, it changed his life. He soon discovered that they weren’t all the same and some worked better than others. That’s when he decided that he was going to create his own. Many phone calls later and months of hard work the perfect formula was formed. He wanted to share his creation with the world…

Christian Melian Founder of Med Rx CBD